He recopilado muchas de mis presentaciones pΓΊblicas durante los aΓ±os que espero sean de vuestro interΓ©s π
I have collected many of my public presentations during the years and I hope you would like them π
- Microsoft Infosec Team: Security Tools Roadmap (IBWAS 09. Madrid, Spain. 2009)http://www.ibwas.com/files/presentations/Simon_Roses_MS_INFOSEC_IBWAS09.pdf
- Microsoft Seguridad IT al descubierto (OWASP Spain. Barcelona, Spain. 2008
https://www.owasp.org/images/c/c7/MS_SDL_IT_ProtegiendoElNegocio.pdf - Β OWASP PanteraΒ Unleash (OWASP Day. Belgium. 2007)http://www.owasp.org/images/f/f4/OWASPDay2007Belgium_Pantera_Unleash.ppt
- Β OWASP PANTERA β Dissecting Web Applications (OWASP AppSec 2007. Milan, Italy. 2007)
Β http://www.owasp.org/images/0/00/OWASPAppSec2007Milan_Pantera.ppt - Microsoft ACE Team β Application Security from the Core (OWASP AppSec 2007, Milan, Italy. 2007)http://www.owasp.org/images/8/8d/OWASPAppSec2007Milan_MS_ACETeamAppSecfromTheCore.ppt
- MS ACE Team – Seguridad en el CΓ³digo (SDL-IT) (Madrid, Spain, 2007)http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/e/7/9e76ad03-f690-42e8-be4f-25af5a372417/6_Mejores_practicas_para_el_desarrollo_seguro.ppt
- Carmen, Rogue Web Server (DeepSec 2007)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1362446912192581498 - Introduccion al Fuzzer (Madrid, SpaiN. 2004)